This time I have come up with the concept that will help the developer to concentrate on business logic rather thinking about their object instantiation, its just like spoon feed to the developer that he/she won't think about his/her own
then who is creating the object of our servlet and calling the service method?
the answer is container will do this.
after creating the object of our own servlet container will calls the life cycle methods (init ,service, destroy)
after loading any class if you want to know information about the loaded class such as information about the interface that the loaded class is implementing,information about its super classes, information about methods,information about the fields or variables of the loaded class then you can make use the classes of Java Reflection API.
- servlet instantiation(Servlets)
- action class(Struts) instantiation
- controller bean(Spring) instantiation etc...
MyServlet myservlet=new MyServlet();
myservlet.service(request, response);
then who is creating the object of our servlet and calling the service method?
the answer is container will do this.
how container will create the object?
based on the configuration given in web.xml file container will create the object of particular servlet by loading it using the class called Class.
you can write step 1 and step 2 in a single step like the below
servlet configuration in web.xml:-
step 1: loading the servlet
Class clazz = Class.forName("org.servlets.MyServlet");
step 2: creating object of MyServlet
Servlet myservlet = clazz.newInstance();
myservlet.service(request, response);
you can write step 1 and step 2 in a single step like the below
Servlet myservlet= Class.forName("org.servlets.MyServlet").newInstance();
after creating the object of our own servlet container will calls the life cycle methods (init ,service, destroy)
the same thing will happen incase of Struts and other mvc frameworks
Example of Struts Action class object creation :
Action action= Class.forName("MyAction class to be loaded").newInstance();
If you want to find out information about java.lang.String please see below:
Class clazz= Class.forName("java.lang.String");
//Identifying super classes
Class superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
while (superClass != null) { String className = superClass.getName(); System.out.println("Super class of String is "+ className); }
//Identifying interfaces
Class interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces();
for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++)
{ String interfaceName = interfaces[i].getName(); System.out.println(interfaceName); }
//Identifying Constructors of the class
Constructor[] constructors =clazz.getConstructors();
for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++)
{ System.out.print("( "); Class[] parameterTypes =constructors[i].getParameterTypes(); for (int k = 0; k < parameterTypes.length; k ++)
{ String parameterString = parameterTypes[k].getName(); System.out.print(parameterString + " "); } System.out.println(")"); }
//Identifying methods of the class
Method[] methods= clazz.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < theMethods.length; i++)
{ String methodString = methods[i].getName(); System.out.println("Name: " + methodString); String returnString = methods[i].getReturnType().getName(); System.out.println(" Return Type: " + returnString); Class[] parameterTypes = methods[i].getParameterTypes(); System.out.print(" Parameter Types:"); for (int k = 0; k < parameterTypes.length; k ++)
{ String parameterString = parameterTypes[k].getName(); System.out.print(" " + parameterString); } System.out.println(); }
//Identifying fields of the class
Field[] fields = c.getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
{ String fieldName = fields[i].getName(); Class typeClass = fields[i].getType(); String fieldType = typeClass.getName(); System.out.println("Name: " + fieldName + ", Type: " + fieldType); }